Customer Case Studies

Discover how Amplify empowers organizations to achieve their strategic goals with clarity and confidence. Through our detailed case studies, explore the transformative journeys of our clients and see firsthand the impactful results achieved with Amplify.
Trusted by the World's Foremost Organizations, Impacting Every Aspect of Business


Oil & Gas

Solution Type:

Strategic Execution

Strategic Execution Transformation with Amplify

A leading player in the Oil & Gas industry, faced challenges in aligning their strategic vision with day-to-day operations. They needed to balance short-term objectives with long-term goals, manage strategic risks, and adapt to industry disruptions, requiring a robust solution to streamline their strategic execution. Discover how implementing Amplify, a comprehensive strategic execution platform, helped them transform their project execution, enhance visibility, and achieve significant efficiency gains, aligning short-term objectives with long-term goals in a complex, global environment. Read more...


Managing strategic projects involved manual communications, numerous emails, presentations, and significant challenges related to project coordination, resource allocation, and communication. These inefficiencies led to delayed timelines and misaligned project goals on complex change projects.


They needed to overcome several critical challenges in their strategic execution process in order to drive significant improvements in their operational efficiency and strategic outcomes as follows:

  • Alignment of Strategic Vision and Daily Operations: Needed a solution to translate long-term strategic vision into day-to-day operations.
  • Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: Required better prioritization and progress tracking to balance immediate project needs with overarching strategic objectives.
  • Managing Strategic Risks: Needed a robust platform for thorough risk assessments and stakeholder consultations for high-stakes decision-making.
  • Efficiency in Project Management: Aimed to reduce inefficiencies caused by manual communications, numerous emails, and presentations.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Reporting: Required a unified view of all projects to track progress, identify issues early, and integrate financial reporting with project management.
  • Adapting to Industry Changes: Needed agility in strategy to adapt to industry disruptions through frequent scenario planning and flexible frameworks.
  • Improving Communication and Collaboration: Necessitated a platform to enhance cross-departmental collaboration and foster a culture of open communication and shared objectives.


Amplify provided the comprehensive strategic execution capabilities needed to overcome these challenges, driving significant improvements in their operational efficiency and strategic outcomes:

  • Streamlined Execution: Aligned long-term vision with daily operations through structured processes and strategy meetings.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Reduced project cycle times and improved resource utilization by fixing coordination issues.
  • Improved Visibility: Unified project view for better tracking, early issue identification, and integrated financial reporting.
  • Better Decisions: Facilitated risk assessments and stakeholder consultations for informed decisions.
  • Increased Agility: Enabled scenario planning and flexible frameworks to adapt to industry changes.
  • Boosted Collaboration: Fostered open communication and shared objectives across departments.
  • Operational Improvements: Addressed inefficiencies, leading to better operational and strategic alignment.


Amplify enabled them to align their long-term vision with daily operations, enhance project management efficiency, and improve visibility and decision-making. The platform increased agility, boosted cross-departmental collaboration, and addressed operational inefficiencies, leading to significant improvements in both operational efficiency and strategic alignment. Looking ahead, they are well-positioned for sustained growth and adaptability, with a robust strategic execution framework that supports continuous improvement and readiness for future industry challenges.


Orthopedic Manufacturing, Aerospace and Defense

Solution Type:

Strategic Execution and Project Management

Driving Innovation and Sustainability with Amplify

The case study demonstrates the transformative impact of implementing a robust strategy execution software in a complex, global manufacturing environment. By streamlining project management processes and enhancing visibility, the company was able to achieve significant efficiency gains, improve decision-making, and prepare for future growth. Amplify proved to be an invaluable tool in driving business transformation and realizing strategic objectives. Read more...


With 16 manufacturing sites worldwide and headquarters in the Boston area, the company faced significant challenges in managing their extensive network of projects. They needed a solution to effectively prioritize key initiatives, track progress, and ensure they were realizing the expected value from these projects. Prior to implementing a comprehensive solution, the company relied heavily on SharePoint, spreadsheets, and manual reporting processes, which were time-consuming and inefficient.


The company decided to implement Amplify, a strategy execution software designed to simplify complexity and enhance visibility into key business priorities. The implementation process involved:

  • Dedicated Resource: Allocating a dedicated resource for three months to manage the implementation.
  • Site Engagement: Engaging with all sites to understand their daily operations and integrating Amplify into their workflows.
  • Ongoing Training: Providing continuous training and support to ensure successful adoption.
  • Customization: Tailoring the software to meet specific needs and addressing feature requests to enhance functionality.

Amplify provided the company with a "command center view" of their business, allowing the executive leadership team to have real-time visibility into key priorities, potential issues, and the value generated from initiatives. The solution simplified complexity by:

  • Centralizing project information
  • Reducing manual reporting efforts
  • Enhancing decision-making capabilities
  • Improving overall project management efficiency


The implementation of Amplify led to significant improvements in manufacturing productivity and operational efficiency. The key benefits included:

  • Time Savings: Drastically reducing the time spent on compiling reports, allowing teams to focus on critical work rather than administrative tasks.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Providing a unified view of all projects, making it easier to track progress and identify issues early.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Facilitating better decision-making by integrating financial reporting and project management into a single platform.
  • Increased Confidence: Boosting executive confidence by ensuring that teams were engaged in meaningful work and reducing manual effort.


The solution not only addressed immediate challenges but also supported the company's strategic goals. The executive leadership team used Amplify to plan and visualize future activities, ensuring they were prepared for upcoming initiatives and growth phases. The software's flexibility and ongoing support from the Amplify team were crucial in adapting to new needs and expanding its use beyond initial applications.



Solution Type:

Innovation Management and Strategic Execution

Driving Innovation and Sustainability with Amplify

One of the world's largest mining companies, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, and operating in multiple countries, demonstrates that their journey with Amplify is a testament to the power of innovation and the importance of having the right tools. By embracing real-time data and proactive management, they are advancing their sustainability goals and setting a new standard for innovation in the resources sector. Read more...


A global leader in the resources sector, faced an ambitious challenge. Their strategic plan was packed with aggressive operational, financial, and environmental goals. With a vast network of innovation teams and subsidiaries, they struggled to track the contributions of innovation projects and programs to their enterprise strategic goals. They needed a way to measure performance metrics against targets across their global innovation portfolio efficiently.


In the quest to drive the energy transition, their innovation teams were on the front lines, working tirelessly to find critical resources. However, the lack of real-time performance data and cohesive tracking mechanisms created roadblocks. Decision-makers were often left in the dark, unable to see the full picture of their innovation efforts or make timely adjustments when projects veered off course.


By integrating Amplify’s strategic execution software, they revolutionized their approach to innovation and sustainability. Here’s how:

  • Real-Time Performance Data: Amplify provided decision-makers with instant access to real-time performance data, transforming how they monitored and managed their innovation projects.
  • Progress Visibility: Executives could now see progress against targets and updated forecasts at a glance, empowering them with the insights needed to steer their projects effectively.
  • Proactive Corrections: With real-time data, BHP could identify downward trends in lead indicators much sooner, allowing for timely corrective actions to keep projects on track.


Amplify’s robust solution enabled them to align their innovation projects with their strategic goals seamlessly. By providing clear, actionable insights, Amplify helped their global innovation teams drive the energy transition more effectively, meeting their operational, financial, and environmental objectives. The integration of Amplify’s software turned a complex, fragmented process into a streamlined, efficient operation, showcasing the true potential of strategic execution.



Solution Type:

Supply Chain Optimization

Achieving Rapid Success with Amplify

A leading global biopharmaceutical company headquartered in New York City, USA, focuses on discovering, developing, and manufacturing healthcare products, including vaccines, medicines, and consumer healthcare products. Their journey with Amplify demonstrates how strategic execution software can revolutionize supply chain operations. By providing real-time insights and enhancing cross-functional risk management, Amplify enabled them to meet the unprecedented demands of the pandemic. This partnership underscores the critical role of innovative solutions in achieving operational excellence and delivering life-saving products swiftly and efficiently. Read more...


A global leader in pharmaceuticals, faced a daunting task. Their extensive global supply chain was struggling to ramp up to full production for new products. This process, taking up to 18 months, became a significant bottleneck. The unprecedented urgency of the pandemic required a novel approach to supply chain optimization to accelerate the production timeline.


Amidst the global race to deliver essential healthcare products, they needed to revolutionize their supply chain operations to meet the overwhelming demand. Traditional methods were insufficient, and the stakes were higher than ever. The challenge was not just about speed but also about ensuring that every aspect of the supply chain could adapt quickly to changes without compromising quality or incurring excessive costs.


  • Real-Time Visibility: Amplify provided their executives with real-time insights into how changes impacted manufacturing cycle times. This immediate feedback loop allowed for swift decision-making and adjustments, critical for ramping up production at an accelerated pace.
  • Cross-Functional Risk Management: The platform offered cross-functional visibility into program risks, enabling teams to identify and address potential disruptions before they escalated. This proactive approach minimized disruptions and controlled costs, ensuring a smoother production ramp-up.


With the support of the strategic execution software, they could drastically reduce the time required to ramp up production for new products. The real-time data and cross-functional visibility provided were instrumental in adapting to changes efficiently, significantly reducing the disruption and cost typically associated with such massive operational shifts. This agility was crucial in their successful and rapid delivery of essential healthcare products, showcasing their ability to operate at top efficiency.


Renewable Energy

Solution Type:

Strategic Execution and Cost Management

Achieving Cost Reduction with Amplify

A renewable energy technology subsidiary headquartered in Paris, France, and operating globally. They specialize in wind, hydro, and solar power, as well as grid solutions and hybrid renewables. Their journey with Amplify showcases the transformative impact of effective strategy execution software. By streamlining project management and enhancing visibility, they achieved a $300 million cost reduction goal. Amplify enabled better communication, increased team synergy, and provided clear insights into initiative benefits and maturity. This case study highlights the importance of a robust, user-friendly tool in managing complex projects and driving strategic goals efficiently. Read more...


To achieve their goal of reducing its cost base by $300 million, they needed an easier and more efficient way to manage over 1,000 initiatives across 50 teams in one place. Their existing tools were insufficient for managing the complexity of these projects, and reporting on their status was clunky and time-consuming. They required a superior collaboration tool, one that was far better than Excel, simple to set up, and not overly complex, avoiding hours spent on data mining.


They decided to implement Amplify, a strategy execution software capable of handling the complexity of their multiple initiatives. The implementation process involved:

  • Centralized Project Status: Enabling over 200 users of Amplify to share project status in a central place.
  • Dashboards Integration: Allowing them to integrate Amplify dashboards directly into slides, replacing bulky PowerPoint decks.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Keeping workstreams up to speed and saving the team time on reporting.


Amplify provided them with several key advantages:

  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive, easy-to-use platform for all users.
  • Comprehensive Benefit Tracking: Clear and detailed monitoring of team efforts and initiative outcomes.
  • Automated Notifications: Timely email alerts to communicate timelines and deadlines.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Tailored dashboards to meet specific needs and preferences.
  • Time Efficiency: Significant reduction in the time required for reporting.
  • Power BI Integration: Built-in capability for advanced analytics with Power BI.
  • Predictive Analytics: Tools to forecast savings within the project pipeline.
  • Enhanced Accountability: Improved tracking of team responsibilities and initiative progress.
  • In-Depth Insights: Detailed examination of each initiative's progress and impact.
  • Pipeline Visibility: Clear visibility into the maturity and robustness of the initiative pipeline.


The implementation of Amplify led to substantial improvements in their project management and cost reduction efforts. The key results included:

  • Successful $300M Cost-Out Program: Achieving their goal of reducing the cost base by $300 million.
  • Innovation at Lower Costs: Bringing new ideas to the table for less money.
  • Effective Upward Communication: Improving communication with higher management.
  • Synergy Across Teams: Achieving synergy across 50 teams and over 1,000 initiatives.
  • Clear Visibility: Enhanced visibility of team and initiative efforts’ benefits.
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Ready to get started?
Try Amplify today to discover how we can help you to achieve your goals, priorities and boost your business impact